Sonntag 30. März 2025

FCEI 2020: Coronavirus Impact Advisory

March 9th, 2020


Dear Colleagues and Friends,


Based on current information and travel advice from public authorities in Austria, there are no plans at this time to postpone or cancel the FCEI 2020 Conference in May in Bad Ischl. At the moment there are no public orders for cancellation of public events in Austria, including international conferences of our size. A risk assessment procedure as recommended by the Austrian Ministry of Health has shown an acceptable total risk at the present moment.


For your information, please see the official published information on the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection and the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety website as well as the travel advice updates from WHO.


More information on the protective measures against the coronavirus can be found on this link.


We are taking developments concerning coronavirus very seriously and we are closely monitoring the information and travel advisories issued by the Austrian and international health authorities. We are working in cooperation with local health authorities to ensure the highest possible safety for delegates before and during the conference. We will keep you regularly updated on the FCEI website.


For more information regarding FCEI 2020 Cancellation Policies and Conditions visit here. In case you are considering cancelling your participation at the conference, we recommend postponing your decision and waiting for further advice till the last week of March 2020.


Best Regards,


FCEI Executive Group

